Sunday, March 15, 2009
Any Home Remedies for Chronic Coughing?
Thanks so much to all of you who have stopped by and wished me well. If only I could stop coughing. I'm getting over the flu but have a secondary sinus infection now -- ugh! I have tried everything I know to do to stop coughing and nothing is working! Any advice or home remedies?
I'm sorry that I haven't been by to visit my blogging friends...As soon as I can manage the cough, I will be back...

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I am sorry you have been so sick, I was wondering how you were feeling. I do not have a home remedy, but I tell you how I got rid of my last cough. You will need to call your doctor for a prescription, they are called Tessalon Perles. They really helped to eliminate my cough.
I hope you get better very soon!
cough drops, tylenol, sudafed and keep blowing your nose! Those are my answers and I am sticking to them! I hope you feel better soon. We miss you in blogland!
Before bed, rub a layer of vicks on the bottom of your feet and then put a pair of socks on.
Sorry about the flu and then this cough.
Tablespoon of honey? Might work.
Here's a Vicks Vapor Rub trick.
Rub vicks on the bottom of both feet.
Put cotton socks on and sleep in them.
God's Blessings to you,
I'll tell you what doesn't work or didn't for me....the vicks vapor rub on the bottom of my feet. Everybody said it was foolproof-guess I'm a bigger fool than I thought.
What does seem to work the best for me is Robitussin Cough Formula and hot lemon tea.
Get well soon!
I'm sorry to hear it's worsened. I always sip on hot tea with lemon when I'm feeling sick and "coughy". Personally I feel the coughing is good to bring up that "stuff" that needs to come out (er um, phlem). Did the doc take a peek to be sure you didn't have bronchitis or something? When my stepwife (stepdaughter's mom) was ill like this, they had to put her on breathing treatments to help clear up her coughing spasms.
Feel better soon my friend! I'm praying for you!
I'm so sorry you're still sick. I wish I knew some magic to help you. I'll tell you one I've heard...and people insist really works...but that I'm pretty skeptical about. But heck it's worth a try right. They say that when you go to bed...but vicks vapor rub on the bottoms of your feet..then put on a pair of socks and go to bed. Supposedly it works. I told my hubby about this one and he tried it several weeks ago. He didn't cough that night...but we still both suspect it could have been a coincidence. I hope you get feeling better soon!
Hey there, I just wanted to stop by & see how you are feeling today. I hope you are doing better.
Take care, Nicole
5 years ago I had the flu and then a sinus infection, which was followed by a cough that I could get rid of... A cough that left me breathless. I went to my doctor and to the ER and was told everything from... "you have post nasal drip" to "it's bronchitis". After multiple courses of antibiotics and still no relief I finally went to a pulmologist, who diagnosed me with asthma. After a course of prednisone I finally got relief and stopping coughing. I then was put on Advair (still on it) and have an inhaler when I need it. My asthma is well controlled and doesn't really impact me much. I'm not saying that is what your cough is from, but it's something to have checked out. If my family doctor diagnosed me earlier I wouldn't have suffered as long as I did with my asthma uncontrolled. I hope you feel better soon! Love your blog! -- Jackie
Please try to mix honey and lemon in a warm water and make it as your liquid dose until you recover.. Hope you get well soon...
Are you better yet??
I hope you get better soon!
The Elders of my tribe always gave "honey...from the bees in your own area" in order to coat the throat. And anything "warm" for the throat...such as hot tea.
We haven't seen you around for a while. By now, I hope that you are feeling better and getting yourself back to normal. Guess what? We've got the cold bug here now too! blah!
See you soon!
Eeeek! No cures - but it's been going around here, too! I'm wishing you better - hope that helps! :) Have a great weekend!
Keep checking back to see if your cough is better. I miss your creativity. Hope you are getting better.
It's been such a long time since you have posted... I hope you are feeling better by now. I know when I had the cold/flu bug it seemed to last FOREVER... But I'm here to tell you, it eventually does leave, so just continue to take care of yourself and get lots of rest, and before you know it, you'll feel good as new!!... Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage
I have been "linking" my way around this afternoon and thought your blog name sounded interesting. I hope you are over your cough, but wanted to pass this information along. Slippery Elm tea always helps my cough and sore throat. It also comes in capsules. You buy it at health food markets. The Indians and pioneers used it because it was soothing to mucous membranes and has a healing property in it. The tea is pleasant and has a slight sweetness. ~Cathy~
Now I'm really getting worried. It's been about 3 weeks since your last post. I surely hope/pray that you are feeling better, that you are just recuperating or just out thrifting and enjoying spring. check in some time dear heart.
Are you healed? Where ya been? We are having a blog party in Poetry, May 16. Come out and play with us! ~Mindy
Missing your blogging.
Hope you are alright.
we miss you in Malakoff!
I ope you will be feeling better soon. Do yo think you may have asthma? Rhonda developed it in her late 40's. Strange as that sounds, and she is working with an allergy specialist in Corsicana, Dr. McNally. He seems to be a genius. I so hope you will be better soon. Hugs, Donna
Are you better? I haven't been on the blog for awhile, but just read this - hope you are okay!
Happy Mother's Day!!
My Dad used to use this given to him by a Dr. first in a prescribed bottle when my Dad told him what it tasted like the Dr told him all it was:)
Take some whiskey and put it in a jar and crush up some good peppermint put it in there put the lid on it and let it sit the peppermint will melt,stir, then you'll have cough syrup. It will make you feel better & clear up the cough/congestion. My Dad used to say "If it don't work, keep taking it pretty soon you just won't care" ha!
Vicks vapor rub.. I have been told this works.. rub a good amount onto the bottoms of your feet.. put on socks..and rest...My neigbor said this works.. I have not had to try it.. Good luck !
Hope your feeling better! :)
Just came across your blog because of the great blog name :) Im trying to make my cottage a place of simplicity too! :)
May you have a sparkling 4th of July!
God Bless,
May you have a sparkling 4th of July!
God Bless,
sorry to see that you are not well. I am getting close to 100 post and went back and looked at some of my earlier post, noticed that you have not been around lately. So I thought I would stop by and say hello, feel better!
I had developed a chronic cough a few years ago and when I finally asked my Dr. about it, he said that it was caused by the blood pressure medicine I was on. sure enough, he changed my prescription and the cough went away.
Perhaps this might be a possibility if you are on blood pressure meds.
Carolyn E
Mucinex DM girl....sounds horrible but it is the best...went to the doc's for my cough and he told me to take it and VIOLA my cough was gone...gone...gone....hope you feel better
Hi, I just stumbled upon your blog. Your cottage is to DIE FOR! So creative and cozy. Same with your blog. I love your pics and your dogs. I totally agree with rescuing dogs and not buying them at pet stores. We adopted a little scruffy girl about 7 months ago. She was abused by a man, but is finally warming up to my husband.
That "alien" pic of the grandson and the dog with the alien eyes made me laugh outloud! I will be following you and will visit again.
Opps...sorry...got so carried away admiring your blog I forgot to wish you well and hope you are feeling better soon! :}
I was going to suggest what Jen said about the Vicks on the bottom of your feet, then apply socks.
Also, honey, tea and lemon.
Are you on blood pressure meds by chance? Some people get a "tickle cough" from Lisinopril. Put a cool mist humidifier in your room. That's all I got...OH! water by the bed side, and suck on Ricola Honey and Lemon cough drops by day. Hope you are better soon!
Homeopathic medicine is usually a normal type of healing!
[url=http://www.homeopathicdoctors.org/]homeopathic repertory[/url]
I have been battling a bad cold and cough for the last two weeks and most recently it has included really bad congestion and headaches. I am hoping this is the last stage because there seems to be no relief in sight.
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