Snippet of the Living Room...

Punkie Brewster sitting in my lap...watching TV...Animal Planet, of course!

Maggie Mae being attacked by the Bullies, Chloe and Punkie...Maggie looks serious...look at those eyes! BACK OFF BULLIES!!!!

Our sweet Aiden Man blowing a kiss! His mom is our daugher...they live next door! We love it, too!

Aiden - Hollywood Style...

Toby Tucker our Granddog loves Poppy...glad we don't have to feed this one! He's just visiting the cottage today...He belongs to our son.

Maggie Mae and Toby Tucker taking a nap...

Shhhhhh! Baby Sleeping...Maggie and Toby aren't the only nappers!

Yeehaw!! Poppy a.k.a. Mr. S always has quarters in his pocket when we go... Aiden loves to ride the bull at WalMart...

OK...help me out here! To PAINT or NOT to PAINT??? Should I or Shouldn't I???

The ALIENS are attacking! Alien Aiden and companion Alien Chloe...I think they were hiding under the bed or maybe they came out of the closet! *this is how the photo came out. i didn't do anything to it...weird, huh?

A snippet of the cottage office/studio...only a snippet because my desk is a mess!

I love my English platerack!
Wonderful pictures of the furbabies and the human baby! I wold like to see more pictures of the guest bath and guest bedroom! Please?
Yes, i think you should paint the shelf.. Ralph Lauren has a creamy white then shabby it up a bit.. ok so I told you what to do -- come over and help with a real dilemma! Dining room chairs!!
I am so glad to see everything is OK over at Simplicity Cottage. I have had problems getting to your blog. It kept giving me a strange message about the page not existing or something along those lines.
I love your home, it is so, so pretty!! And, oh my goodness all of your babies are so cute (both doggy & human)!! Aiden is so handsome & stylish!! And, I must say you have the cutest little furry chauffer. Bentley would love to be driving when we go places, but I make him sit in his carseat now. I think everyone that sees us driving down the road probably thinks I have lost my mind!!
Have a great evening,
What a fun post. Great pics. The alien won was very funny.
What can I say about your Kids, Gandkids, Dogs and Granddogs --- jUST LOVED YOUR PHOTOS! Yes doesn't Chloe look like our Guss, although the Aussie Bulldogs (Guss) are slightly taller and not quite so broad
It was lovely hearing from you today
Thanks Donna!
aww.. how angelic the baby looks sleeping.. and the doggies too.
How come they are all so adorable especially when they are sleeping?
from One Day at a Time
Love your cottage and blog. Your guest room pillows are wonderful, did you make them? Love the shower curtain, just bought the same one for my bath. Found your blog through Leanne at Move that Couch, I will be back often!
Leigh Ann
First, thank you. Just thank you!
Second, what a great post. You had me smiling this morning. Aiden and Chloe are a hoot!
First thanks so very much for your sweet comment...it's going to have me smiling all week! And I love love love the snippets of your gorgeous home. I swear it is the most charming place on earth. I had a great time scrolling through the pictures. I loved the dog attack one. And your son is one handsome young man!
OH....and that shelf is gorgeous either way....but I think I'd paint it....show us pictures when you decide!
Good Morning!!!
I so enjoyed today's post. It was nice to be part of the "cottage crew".
I gotta tell ya, I love the rack in your bathroom and the curtains in your studio...love those! Did I see the same print in the bathroom? FAb!
Oh, I loved visiting more of your home and meeting little Aidan and everyone else! What a beautiful home and family you have!!!!!...Donna @ An Enchantted Cottage
Hi, I loved all the pic's of the babies, all of them!! I would paint the shelf, have you ever used cottage white by Behr, it's a nice creamy color. I sure hope your feeling better soon, everyone down here has had this nasty cold too, except for me and now they are all saying I'm the carrier, they were dropping like flys all around me and I never got the horrible thing, you may need to go get a strong antibiotic to get rid of it! Take care.
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