When puppies are taken from the mother dog too early...before they are naturally weaned, their immune systems suffer tremendously. And it can affect them for the rest of their life. Immune systems are very important! Punkie's immune system continues to be weak because she was taken from her mother at such an early age.

After taking almost two weeks of the prescribed antibiotics, immune booster and respiratory treatments, Punkie was still sick. A little better, but not making the progress that Dr. C was expecting. Dr. C and Dr. S had me bring her in for an examination and more tests. After they examined her and read the results of the new tests they consulted with each other and came up with another antibiotic "cocktail". They explained that sometimes bacteria becomes tolerant to some medications. If you change antibiotic, it "confuses" the bacteria and gives the new drugs the opportunity to grab hold of the bacteria and gain control of the host's system.
Never losing faith that Punkie would get better...I had new hope. Punkie and I got into the car with a bag full of new medicine. Punkie talked me into stopping at Burger King for a kids meal. Punkie loves cheeseburgers -- cut the onions!

Punkie took her new medicine just as prescribed and we continued with her respiratory treatments. The docs told me that it would take 24-72 hours to see a change...after four days...no change. I'm not losing my faith...Punkie WILL get better. I kept convincing myself that we just haven't found the right antibiotic concoction.
I started researching on the Internet and reaching out for help from other people who had purchased puppies from "D". I found several women who were happy to help. They put me in touch with their vets, emailed me with the name of medications and faxed me reports from surgeons who had performed tracheal washes on their puppies to identify the strain of bacteria causing the illness.
I called my wonderful vets and scheduled another appointment for Punkie. They wanted me to come right away. I put all my research information together and we took off. The docs poured through the information and even phoned one of the other vets. Yeah, my vets ROCK!
They explained that there is a new drug...not recommended for puppies but it is a kick-butt full spectrum antibiotic. They feel sure it will work. It could make the bones in Punkie's legs sore but that would be the worst side-effect she might have. They had to warn me that it is not approved for use in puppies under a year old...but they recommend that we try it.
Zeniquin. A magic bullet...Yes, we will try it.

The good thing about the magic bullet is that it has been proven to be effective within 72 hours. I was hopeful, yet skeptical.
After the first day, I thought I could see improvement but I kept thinking that it was wishful thinking. Second day, I thought...yeah, I'm almost sure the Zeniquin is working...it hasn't even been 72 hours. I remain reserved in my thoughts but remain hopeful that she is improving. By the middle of the third day, I am no longer skeptical, reserved...and the wishful thinking has turned to positive thinking. Punkie is better! For the first time, she is not coughing, her breathing is no longer labored, no snotty nose...Punkie is getting well!
That night Punkie slept through the night. I put her into our bed and she slept in the same spot until the next morning. She had never slept through the night because she would have to get up and move around many times throughout the night because she was having trouble breathing.
I called her vets that morning and reported that the Zeniquin was working. The full recommended dosage was for 14 days. They reminded me to make sure she took the whole prescription. NO reminder needed, she will take all the magic bullets for sure! We were ALL so happy.
Punkie continued to show improvement all week long. After she finished ALL her antibiotic, we went back for more blood work...it came back clear. Punkie is well...she has been off antibiotics since the end of October 2008. It took three months to get her well!
Punkie suffers from an occasional skin problem or ear infection, but the pneumonia and upper respiratory infection - gone! She also has a couple of genetic problems that we "deal" with. All-in-all she is healthy. Punkie has been medication free since the end of October 2008. Yippee! She is my constant shadow. Where I go...Punkie goes! She even gets in the walk-in shower with me!
Ahhh! Bulldog Love...