Saturday, February 14, 2009

~~~ HaPPy VaLenTines DaY ~~~

Do something you love to do today~
With somebody you love.
It doesn't get any better than that!
XOXO ~ Donna


Susan @ The Good Life! said...

Happy Valentine's Day!

trash talk said...

I'm so glad you came by last night. I sure hope you had as good a time as I did. Y'all made it pretty special. Thanks Debbie

{oc cottage} said...

Happy Valentines Day!!!

M ^..^

Room Service ~ Decorating 101 said...

Thanks for joing my list! I love your bulldog! My family has always loved bulldogs, we have had 3 boxers, my mom has a boston terrier (bulldog, not a terrier) and my sister shows bull mastiffs. She once had one to win breed at westmister! Anyway welcome and come visit often.

Garden Antqs Vintage said...

Hi Donna, Happy late Valentine's Day, hope you had a great day. Now, Happy President's Day. Thanks for stopping by as always. I have a stained glass in almost every window of my home. They are just one of my many collections.